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 VfL Wolfsburg II - Chemnitzer FC - 28/05/2011

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Number of posts : 5544
Age : 32
Location : Bulgaria
Favorite Team : CSKA Sofia
Points : 10820
Reputation : 115
Registration date : 2008-09-05

VfL Wolfsburg II - Chemnitzer FC - 28/05/2011 Empty
PostSubject: VfL Wolfsburg II - Chemnitzer FC - 28/05/2011   VfL Wolfsburg II - Chemnitzer FC - 28/05/2011 EmptySun 29 May 2011, 20:05

VfL Wolfsburg II - Chemnitzer FC - 28/05/2011

Ten minutes before the end of the game, Chemnitz supporters invaded the pitch for the 1st time so the referee stopped the game for a few minutes.
Then, these away fans invaded the pitch a 2nd time just at the end of the game and immediately took the direction of local supporters. Police intervened.

VfL Wolfsburg II - Chemnitzer FC - 28/05/2011 Img4232g

VfL Wolfsburg II - Chemnitzer FC - 28/05/2011 Img4233x
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VfL Wolfsburg II - Chemnitzer FC - 28/05/2011

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